Tag Archive: web design

Working with a template in Darlyne’s site, and decided to have the page title and tagline hovering over the banner and using specialized fonts. At first, I just created the banner in Photoshop, but wanted to stick with best practices for SEO, that the title and tagline be indexable by search engines. I had some trouble getting my custom font to work by uploading the font and using CSS code, so I tried Font Squirrel , where they take your fonts, turn them into web fonts, and spit out the CSS. That worked, so then it was just a matter of getting the Title and Tagline to show up in the proper place on the banner. I did some research on fixed-width web layouts, and found that the standard was 960px. Then it was just a matter of playing with the size and margins within the template settings, and it’s good to go!


I guess I deserted this blog about a year and a half ago, but I was recently asked to redesign a friend’s website, and it seemed as though a CMS was the best solution, so I am delving into WordPress.  So much to learn!  I’ve been reading an Apress book “Beginning WordPress 3”, and it’s a good start.  There is so much information out there about designing WordPress sites, that I feel as though I’m getting a bit bogged down.  My friend just published her first novel, and it is available on Amazon (although the publisher made a mistake ans sent them the wrong version), so getting the website done is a time-sensitive issue.  Which is good, because it will keep me moving forward.

I hope, that when this is done, I can start doing websites for other people and businesses.  The thing that has stopped me in the past is the design aspect of it, I can code, I can design a back end, but visual design was never a strong point for me.  With WordPress Themes, I feel I can now design a professional looking website.  I am very interested in SEO, and internet marketing as well, so, with practice, I hope to be able to provide a soup to nuts solution.  Good stuff.